About Me
My name is Jeffrey Luppes. I'm a Machine Learning Engineer and Data Scientist based in Amsterdam. You've reached my personal site.
Currently I'm a Machine Learning Engineer / Data Scientist for DPG Media's Online Services branch, where I'm trying to improve the world of recruitment by creating and deploying models to extract information from job postings, amongst other things. I feel that trying to find a job and applying to it should be an effortless process.
In the past, I've had the pleasure of working with many talented people at TNO, Atos and DPG Media. For TNO, I briefly worked on ETL processes allowing the projects of data scientists and performed some web-scraping. At Atos I worked as a data scientist and MLE for clients across Europe, working mainly on cloud projects and projects based around text categorization and NER. One of those won a couple of cool prizes.
I like to work on my own projects from time to time - be that web scraping and using the data in some cool way, or creating a bird recognition model for my balcony.
Outside of data science I enjoy camping, birdwatching, bicycling, and sea kayaking. I am an incredibly poor bird watcher, which provides a modest explanation of how I got into making models for bird detection and recorgnition. Jeffreykajakt.com is my (Dutch) kayaking site but occasionally I post there in English. I'd like to one day kayak around Iceland - other than that, no big plans.
I blog on Towardsdatascience about things in the ML (Engineering) space. Some of my past blogs with employers:

- "Jeffrey Luppes: the Model of a Machine Learning Engineer" on ML Engineering for DPG Media
- "Ter land, ter zee, and into data science" (Dutch) while doing an internship at Topicus
Other appearances (mostly unrelated to machine learning and computer science)
- Dutch Article about completing 3500 kilometers by kayak
- 500 developers spanning 53 countries have passed the TensorFlow Certificate Exam! took a quote from me while I was at Atos.