The class of 2015 - An analysis in what jobs the people I graduated with ended up

Posted on wo 25 maart 2020 in Projects

Computer Science degrees are notorious for their attrition rate and a lot of people switch degrees. I've switched twice myself, going from CS to AI and then to Software Engineering. Due to the way the Dutch system is organized this almost meant starting from scratch. Frankly, not my best decisions …

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Building a bird detector from scratch with web scraping and deep learning (part 1)

Posted on di 21 januari 2020 in Projects

Birbs. Image by author.

This is part 1 in a series on this project, more posts will be written as the project progresses

I'm an awful birder. While I've always been interested in birds I'm almost completely deaf to identifying them by their calls. I never started memorizing them and my ability to recognize …

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Google Cloud Platform Certified Data Engineer

Posted on zo 22 december 2019 in Cloud

GCP data Engineer!

Whoooo! I passed the GCP data engineer exam. In truth, I am not really a data engineer.. but it is a role I can fill and I strongly feel that as a data scientist you should be able to have a solid grasp of engineering too, or at least understand …

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Big Data Series

Posted on za 02 september 2017 in Academics

I've just added three blog posts I made during the Big Data bachelor course given at the Radboud university. As a master's student I'm allowed to take on one or two bachelor courses if there's a good reason... because no other course really goes into Spark, hadoop and Scala I …

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Big Data Series - SurfSara and the Common Crawl

Posted on vr 07 juli 2017 in Academics

I wish I learned Hadoop while still in diapers..

This post will have a slightly different angle than the previous posts in the Big Data Course series. The goal for this post is just to detail my progress on a self-chosen, free format project which utilizes the Surfsara Hadoop cluster and the goal is not to solve a problem …

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Big Data Series - Give me a spark

Posted on do 04 mei 2017 in Academics

So the third assignment in this series is running Spark and playing around with it. The first part was basically messing about with the query-processing, the second part is playing with data and dataframes. As these do not actually seem to be part of the required stuff for the post …

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Big Data Series - Hadoop and HDFS

Posted on wo 22 maart 2017 in Academics

The general idea of this post is to work out a short hello-world type of tutorial. For convenience I'll assume that you have some basic understanding of the idea behind Map-Reduce and why you'd ought to use it. For this post though, I'm not going to go with a very …

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Salt on the Road - Tracking Gritters by webscraping

Posted on za 16 januari 2016 in Projects

Gritter - or Strooiwagen in Dutch

Last year, the Dutch Rijkswaterstaat (a part of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment) released a website where you could track where salt scattering trucks - also known as gritters - moved in real-time. This is particularly useful as Dutch infrastructure always seems to shut down completely during the first …

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